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Some of our patients have taken the opportunity to show their appreciation by telling others of their experience.

As an endurance athlete, the prevention of overuse injuries is of foremost importance in my training. During my military enlistment, I was fortunate to compete on the U.S. Coast Guard's Triathlon Team. The demands and rigors of training have resulted in battling patellofemoral pain and iliotibial band friction syndrome. In the winter of 2004 I was introduced to Active Release Technique (ART) by Dr. Garrett Lewellen. Since the implementation of ART to my program, I have noticed substantially less knee pain and discomfort that will allow me to take my training to the next level. As both an athlete and strength coach, I highly recommend ART to every endurance athlete, of any level to manage or even prevent the occurrence of common overuse injuries that can hamper performance.
        – Daniel Kehlenback, MSS, CSCS

Cornerstone Chiropractic & Rehabilitation has kept me playing music for the past 7 years. Without their help I would not have been able to teach and perform with Jerks of Grass. I thank them for their chiropractic work. One word... Incredible!!
        – Carter Logan, Jerks of Grass

I can't say enough about the expert and thoughtful care I received at Cornerstone Chiropractic & Rehabilitation. Everyone is professional and friendly. They were referred to me by my Physical Therapist because I wasn't improving with the rehab. Within two treatments, the numbness and tingling in my arm of 6-8 weeks duration was gone. On subsequent visits chronic hip pain was greatly reduced. I have taken the advise and exercises they gave me and incorporated them into my daily life.
        – Phyllis Payne, Registered Nurse

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50 Cove St.
Portland, ME 04101